“When there were some questions for you, you didn't even answer some of them”

I'm not buying the story you’ve just told us. The main problem is that there is too little content in

what you have presented. There is no content that could actually be interesting enough - not to say that your work is even infantile. By infantility I mean the form you presented to us here.

I regret a bit that you did not create a form that would actually be interesting, not infantile, because in my opinion this is infantile. This is something like when children are asked what is the symbol of happiness, then they would draw a heart. And you used more or less such a simple translation, such a simple methaphore. I have the impression that you did not look for a form that could speak to us - at least to me.

I thought you could find a less schematic image of yourself. I would prefer, for example, if it wasn't like a ton of other things that already exist. You want to prove that you are an individual, and you are not.

Individuality has certain characteristics like uniqueness, and I don’t see that here. You are absolutely average, in addition you created something that could be created in 70s or maybe a little bit later. There are so many similar works out there. Therefore, I don’t see any uniqueness. You have some potential that has not been revealed. When there were some questions for you, you didn't even answer some of them.

Jolanta Nowaczyk (born in 1992 in Poland, based in Prague) – graduated from the Intermedia

Faculty at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow (BA) and Szczecin (MA). Her artistic practice

focuses on exploring the contemporary art mechanisms, private collections and dark matter of art. Member of Ciocia Czesia collective (Auntie Czesia) who helps Polish people